Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal: The Switch and Shutter Puzzle

Remember that annoying puzzle in the Goldenrod underground tunnel in Pokémon Gold, Silver, and Crystal? The one with the switches and shutter doors?

You ever think "how was I supposed to solve that? How does it even work?"

Screenshot of Pokémon Crystal in the underground tunnel Screenshot of Pokémon Crystal in the underground tunnel

Most people, on their first playthrough of these games, either happen upon the solution from trial and error, or just look up the solution on the Internet or a guide book. But, is there any pattern you were supposed to notice? Strategy you were supposed to use?

Talking to the Rocket Grunts gives you the hints "change the order of switching" and "the switch on the end is the one to press first", but that's it. They seem just as confused as you are.

It feels unsatisfying to just accidentally stumble upon the solution, and equally so to just look it up. Players end up more annoyed than anything.

The guides to solve it don't explain how the puzzle works either, they only parrot the solution, and sometimes also give you the sequence to obtain the Smoke Ball item in the bottom left.

So what was the deal with this puzzle?


If your memory is hazy, or maybe you think you were just a stupid kid when you first tried this, give it a try for yourself right now before you read any more.

Remember the objective is to make a path along the blue bricks from the top to the bottom right; a secondary objective is to make a path to the bottom left to pick up an item.

Switching every switch back to OFF will reset the whole puzzle.

You may stumble across the solution just by randomly flicking switches, but really do try to see if you can recognize the pattern of what each switch does before reading on to the explanation.

Explanation In Depth

Okay, here's how it worked.

After changing the position of any switch:

Shutter Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
0 Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close Close
1 Open Close Open Close Close Open Close
2 Open Close Close Open Open Close Close
3 Open Close Open Close Close Open Close
4 Close Open Close Open Open Close Close
5 Close Open Open Close Close Open Close
6 Close Open Close Open Open Close Open
Open shutter
Close shutter

So, for example, if you just changed a switch and the sum is now 2, then shutters 2, 8, and 9 will open, if they weren't already, and shutters 5, 7, 10, and 11 will close, if they weren't already.

The shutters are numbered like this:

3 2 1
8 7
4 5 6
10 9 11

No, this numbering doesn't really make any sense. Shutter 11 is in the corner because it's the special "exit" shutter, but that's the only one with an excuse.

Anyway, it's the empty table cells, which leave shutters as they were, that are the key to the complexity of this puzzle. Because of this, the current state of the shutters is not determined purely by the current state of the switches, but also by the previous states, as viewed through a "window" of the empty cells.

Imagine starting in the top row, sum 0, and whenever you change a switch, the new sum's row is overlayed on top, with the empty cells being transparent. Each new row you enter by flipping switches has a "transparency" of 4 cells showing through.

If the table had no empty cells, and was entirely filled in with red or green, then the puzzle would be as simple as there being 8 possible arrangements of the switches, and 7 possible arrangements of the shutters (ON/ON/OFF and OFF/OFF/ON would have the same shutters). The player would then try each one and see which ones open a path forward.

As it is, if the table were to be "flattened out" and all possible states of the switches and shutters mapped, there would be a total of 50 unique states the puzzle could be in.

That looks like this:

Shutter puzzle as a state map

This visualization is not recommended.

Some other details of note about this sum system:

The EMERGENCY switch, if switched ON, sets the shutters into the solved state and sets switches 1, 2, and 3 all to ON. If switched OFF, it sets the shutters into the initial state and sets switches 1, 2, and 3 all to OFF.


Did you get that?

This puzzle is impossible to figure out fully without going into the guts of the map scripts and deciphering what it's doing. Even if you fully understand the workings, it still isn't clear what the correct switch procedure is without a lot more thinking. The intended strategy to solve it is trial and error, which is just bad game design.

Scroll back up and try the puzzle again. Try flicking the switches while cross-referencing the table. Does it make it any easier to understand what it's doing? Probably not.

If you couldn't figure it out, the solution is to set all switches to OFF and then turn them to ON in this order: 3, 2, 1.

To get the Smoke Ball in the bottom left, set all switches to OFF and then turn them to ON in this order: 2, 1, 3, and then turn 2 back to OFF.

Game Freak must have known this puzzle was dumb, because it was totally redesigned in the HeartGold and SoulSilver remakes:

Screenshot of Pokémon HeartGold in the underground tunnel

Pressing the blue switch toggles all shutters around the cells with the blue floor tiles, and the same for the red and green switches. This version communicates to the player exactly how the puzzle functions without even using any dialog.

Is it too easy now? Maybe. The frustration the first puzzle could cause is why it's remembered so well, after all.